How it works

It's free, fun, and easy, kind of like sunsets. Anyone from anywhere can view our entire catalog without commitment. Search for specific elements, animals, places or artists.

Create an account for free in seconds. Joining gives you the power to save your favorites, create and share albums, and more. You can begin uploading your work and making money, or buying from others. Becoming a member of our community also gives you a vote in which projects and initiatives we support, and keeps you involved with the impact that we are having. Let's stay connected!

We make buying, saving, and storing your purchased items easy. Everything we sell at Wildstock is royalty free. Your purchase history is saved forever, and your content can be downloaded anytime and anyplace - and it's yours to keep for life. All of our artists are paid a base price of 50% per item, and with our Take and Give model - your purchases will be having an immediate and lasting impact on issues that our planet is facing.

Wildstock is a royalty free visual marketplace that was created for artists, by artists. Any visual element captured in the wild that meets our standards belongs here. We believe in putting the power in the artist's hands and paying them fairly for their work. At Wildstock, the artist sets the price for the work they are selling. They also set the give back percentage. With our Take + Give model, an artist’s ability to earn and power to impact the natural world are both limitless.

We handle the rest. Stay as connected as you wish. We will always notify you of any action regarding your account, and keep you highly involved with our community and crowd funded efforts.
Take + Give

Wildstock is primarily an online marketplace for royalty free visuals that capture nature and all of it’s elements. But at the heart of the company, the main reason why Wildstock exists, is to spark positive, sustainable, and impactful change on our planet. Crowd funded efforts on perilous issues - and a full circle system designed with the artist and environment in mind. We have created this model and believe wholeheartedly in it. We take from the wild, and we give back, with the hopes of achieving balance.
When an artist uploads a photograph or motion clip, they set the price for this item. The artist automatically receives 50% of the sale. 10% of each sale will go directly into our give back fund, and Wildstock takes 40% to keep our gears turning and computers running.
We also offer the artist the option to increase their give back percentage. We firmly support artists being paid fairly for their work, but if an artist did want to adjust their give back percentage anywhere from 10%-60% - they have the ability to do so, making their potential impact that much greater. All of the earnings and money given back will be saved forever in each user’s account dashboard.
At the end of each season (also known as quarterly), the money earned in Wildstock’s give back fund will be dispersed. Every member of the Wildstock community can both suggest causes to support, as well as vote on where this money will be directly dispersed. In essence, we will be crowdfunding environmental efforts around the globe. These efforts can be anything from small grassroots movements on the frontlines of a specific issue - to crowdfunding for films and innovative, revolutionary business ideas. All of the members of our community will vote on where this money is dispersed.
Have more questions, ideas, or comments? Please visit our FAQ or Contact us